
An Exploration of a Higher Purpose

The question for August 14, 2024 was “do we have a higher purpose?” We started out our discussion with a definition and a couple of quotes.

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

Higher purpose is more than just the pursuit of a dream or goal. It is a quality that is partly vision (being visionary), and partly to do with going beyond our personal needs for the sake of others (inclusive vision).

Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.

The group generally agreed with the sentiment that a higher purpose is one that serves the greater good. We had varying opinions whether our higher purpose is our day job. There was some thought that we can do our day job and do something on the side that serves a purpose that we get excited about. Some of us experience our day job as our higher purpose and feel that we are serving humanity with our unique talents.

Someone suggested that our purpose can change over time as we change. The thought is that we are not made for just one thing and if we’re not doing that one thing, we are off the mark. There is no pre-destined plan for us to do something, or is there? 

Some believe that we choose our path before we incarnate in this body on this plane called Earth. We pick a path that will teach us something about ourselves and allow for soul growth. We talked about “sacred contracts” and mentioned the book of the same name by Caroline Myss. When we incarnate we get a type of amnesia where we forget our agreements so that we can live an authentic life, discovering our purpose. We encounter obstacles in our way to help us learn and grow.

As Deepak says, find that place where your talents and the good of others intersect. There you will find your higher purpose.

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