mountains, fog, silhouette

Does love always win?

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. Whatever situation we're facing, apply or receive love.

In the face of hatred, bigotry, polarization, and other distancing behaviors, when presented with love does it make a difference? I think so. Many ancient wisdom traditions tell us that “love always wins.” It may take practice. It may take patience. But love slowly and surely chips away at the hard marble of society, revealing a soft, compassionate, and loving new world.

We must practice patience, compassion, kindness, gentleness, and steadfastness to the truth of who we are: spiritual beings having a human experience. When faced with unskilled or down right bad behavior, consider that person may be doing the best they can given their mental status, upbringing, and social context. Let us give them a break and create a space where they become new again and live up to their full potential, living the truth of love.

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We will be discussing this topic at the next Exploration Gathering on January 15 and January 19. Please join us on Zoom to join the discussion. We would love to have you visit and see if Fairbanks Spiritual Explorers can help you explore your spirituality.

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